2010年7月5日 星期一

God helps those who help themselves.--天助自助者


A: I’m not going to go to school anymore. I don’t want to take the Basic Competence Test.
B: That’s out of the question. You have to take the BCT. If you don’t, how are you going to get into high school?
A: But I’ve never received a passing grade in math, and my English is even worse than my math. It’s hopeless!
B: Well, do you want to get into high school or not?
A: Of course I do, and my mom insists that it’s got to be a top school or none at all!
B: God helps those who help themselves. You should just hit the books!

A: 我不要唸書了,我要成為拒絕基測的小子。
B: 絕對不行啦。你一定要考基測,不然怎麼念高中啊?
A: 可是我數學從沒及格過,英文比數學還爛,沒希望了!
B: 那你到底想不想念高中?
A: 當然想啊,而且我媽還要我非明星高中不念呢!
B: 天助自助者,你還是乖乖啃書本吧!

1.      competence (n.) 能力
2.      passing (adj.) 及格的
3.      grade (n.) 分數
4.      math (n.) 數學(即 mathematics
5.      hopeless (adj.) 沒救的
6.      insist (v.) 堅持

1.        out of the question 絕無可能
We can’t go hiking in this weather. It’s out of the question.(我們不能在這種天氣去健行;絕無可能。)

2.        (have) got to 必須;一定
I’ve got to be there on time or my boss will kill me.(我一定要準時去那裡,不然我老闆會宰了我。)

3.        hit (the book)  K(書)
We will flunk the exam if we don’t hit the books now.(如果我們現在不K書,考試一定被當。)

