牛津字典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 公布2013年的「年度風雲單字」(Word of the Year 2013)為 selfie,相信很多喜歡「自拍」的網友應該都很高興,因為selfie 就是這個意思!
根據牛津字典的定義,selfie是「某人拍攝自己的照片,特別是指用智慧型手機或網路攝影機拍攝且上傳到社交網站的照片」(a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website),而且這個字還有複數型喔,就是selfies。
說到自拍,最知名的自拍照之一可說是美國總統Barack Obama、英國首相 David Cameron及丹麥總理Helle Thorning-Schmidt 在已故南非總統Nelson Mandela追思會上的自拍。這張照片曝光後,受到許多人的批評,但也有人開玩笑說,這大概是有史以來「層級最高」的selfie了!
She likes taking selfies with her iPhone.
She likes taking selfies with her iPhone.
Woah, nice selfie!
Woah, nice selfie!
Stop taking selfies with your phone. Will you ever put that thing away?
Stop taking selfies with your phone. Will you ever put that thing away?