2009年10月19日 星期一

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.--一鳥在手,勝過百鳥在林

這句諺語可簡省為:A bird in the hand.意思很直接:「可以掌握的小東西,勝過沒有把握的大東西」,通常用來勸告那些吃這碗、看那碗的人:「應該滿足於手上既有的東西,而不是冒險去追求那些看起來比較好,但卻可能讓你失去一切的事物」,因為要追求林中的兩隻鳥,還得先張開手中已經握住的一隻鳥;手張開了,原有的鳥飛走了,林中的鳥卻不一定抓得到,得失之間,還得好好衡量呢!

A: Jason finally called and asked me out. I’m so excited!
B: Jason? Is he the guy that you met in the pub a couple days ago?
A: Yes, and in addition to Jason, I have been flirting with Andre these past few days, a guy I met over the Internet.
B: Does your boyfriend know about this? I’m sure he won’t be happy about it!
A: Hey, can you not be such a wet blanket?
B: Keep one thing in mind: “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” If you continue playing these games, I am afraid you might lose your boyfriend.

A: 阿傑終於打電話給約我出去了耶,我好興奮呢!
B: 阿傑?是妳前幾天在酒吧認識的那個人嗎?
A: 是啊,除了他之外,我這幾天還和網友阿椎打得火熱呢!
B: 可是妳男朋友知道這些事嗎?我保證他一定不高興!
A: 喂,妳別這麼煞風景好不好啊?
B: 別忘了,一鳥在手,勝於兩鳥在林,妳再這樣玩下去,我怕妳連男朋友都保不住。

1.      pub (n.) 酒吧
2.      flirt (v.) 調情
3.      wet blanket 掃興的人事物
4.      bush (n.) 灌木叢

1.      ask sb. out 約某人出去
He has been wanting to ask her out but never has the courage to do so.(他一直想要約她出去,但從來沒有勇氣這麼做。)

2.      in addition to 之外
In addition to strengthening your heart and helping maintain your ideal weight, exercise may also strengthen your immune system.(除了強化心臟、保持理想體重,運動還可以加強你的免疫力。)

3.      keep (sth.) in mind 謹記… 在心
When you stand on the stage, keep in mind that you’re representing your university.(當你站在台上時,別忘了你代表了你的大學。)

4.      be worth 
This imported watch is worth 10 thousand dollars.(這進口的錶值一萬元。)

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