2009年11月5日 星期四

Eat, drink, and be merry.--及時行樂

這句諺語直譯是「吃、喝、而且要快樂」。這句話出自聖經,原本帶有負面的意思,不過現在一般都用在正面的情況,例如人們在聚會或吃喝時會說:Let’s eat, drink, and be merry!,意思就是要大家把握歡樂的時光,及時行樂。這句話也可寫成:To eat, and to drink, and to be merry.。的確,life is short(人生苦短),與其整天汲汲營營,悶悶不樂,或者與人勾心鬥角,斤斤計較,倒不如 eat, drink, and be merry

A: Life is pointless and bleak. It has no color!
B: Why do you think that? Don’t be so pessimistic.
A: I work my ass off day in and day out, yet I continue to be buried under my house and car loans… I don’t know when I’ll ever get out from under them.
B: Well, at least you have a wonderful wife.
A: My wife will have kids someday. When that time comes, I will have to worry about paying for things like milk and tuition… What am I supposed to do?
B: Hey, relax. Just eat, drink, and be merry!

A: 我覺得人生沒有意義,只有黑白,沒有色彩!
B: 為什麼呢?不要那麼悲觀﹗
A: 我天天做牛做馬,卻還有一大堆房貸、車貸,真不知何時可以從這些解脫。
B: 不過你至少有個好老婆啊。
A: 老婆以後會生孩子,到時候我要擔心奶粉錢、學費,我該怎麼辦?
B: 喂,放輕鬆。你要及時行樂啊!

1.      pointless (adj.) 無意義的
2.      bleak (adj.) 陰暗的;乏味的
3.      pessimistic (adj.) 悲觀的
4.      bury (v.) 埋藏;沈浸於
5.      car loan 汽車貸款
6.      tuition (n.) 學費
7.      relax (v.) 放輕鬆
8.      merry (adj.) 歡樂的

1.      work one’s ass off(俚語,粗話)非常辛苦地工作
She’s been working her ass off to provide for her family.(她非常辛苦地工作,供給家庭所需。)

2.      day in and day out 整天;無時無刻
He’s been working day in and day out for the last three years.(三年來他無時無刻辛苦工作。)

3.      worry about… 擔心
She’s so worried about her husband that she can’t even sleep at night.(她太擔心她丈夫,晚上甚至不能入睡。)

4.      be supposed to… 應該;可以
Aren’t you supposed to be in bed by nine?(你不是九點之前就必須上床睡覺嗎?)

