我們之前說過,「印象式發言」指的是講者利用意想不到的統計數字 (statistics)、驚人的事實 (facts)、或者與一般大眾想法相左的資訊 (information) 引起聽眾的注意、甚至強烈的情緒反應。這類的數據、事實、資訊通常能在聽眾腦海中留下深刻印象,而這也是講者使用它們的目的。以下是幾個「印象式發言」的好例子,你可以在下一次做英語簡報時稍加變化,利用一下,相信能讓聽眾印象深刻!(句子上方括號中的文字乃說明簡報的主題或場合)
In today’s games, Team Idiots are playing Team Cripples, while Team Moron will take on Team Ugly. *
Do you know that people with pale skin are eight times more likely to get skin cancer than people with dark skin?*
*此引言中講者利用了一個統計數字 (statistics) 來引起聽眾對簡報主題的興趣。
A report that just came out revealed that people under 30 are twice as likely to get a job interview than people over 40.*
*此引言中講者利用了一個統計數字 (statistics) 來引起聽眾對簡報主題的興趣。
Today we have around 100 high school students here. One hundred students. Well, that’s how many students will be bullied verbally or physically in Taiwan during the 20 minutes I’ll be speaking to you. More than 7,000 every day; more than 200,000 every month. This is how serious youth bullying is.*
今天我們這裡有大約 100 名高中學生。100 名學生。他們代表了我在對各位談話的這20分鐘內,台灣有多少學生會被口頭或身體霸凌的人數。每天有超過七千人、每月有超過 20萬人被霸凌。這凸顯青少年霸凌是多麼嚴重。
*此引言中講者利用了許多統計數字 (statistics) 來引起聽眾對簡報主題的興趣。
Before I begin the talk, please take a moment and think of the four women closest to you. Who comes to mind? Your mother? Your wife? Your daughter? Your sister? Your best friend? Now guess which one will be sexually molested or assaulted during her lifetime. This may sound scary and unbelievable, but according to the Department of Justice, one in every four women in our country will be sexually molested or assaulted sometime during her life.*
*此引言中講者除了利用「問問題」,也利用了「印象式發言」中的統計數字 (statistics) 來引起聽眾對簡報主題的興趣。
We all know that women are far from treated equally on the job, but do you know how bad the situation is, even in the US? Well, women typically hold lower‐paying, lower‐status jobs than men. And they only account for eight percent of upper‐level managers in large corporations. Worse yet, although half of the employees in the largest, most prestigious firms around the United States may be women, as few as 5% or less actually hold senior positions.*
我們都知道職場對待女性與男性差別甚大,但您知道情況是多麼糟糕,即使是在美國嗎?婦女通常都比男人做更低薪、低地位的工作。而且她們只占大企業高層經理人數的 8%。更糟的是,雖然美國各地規模最大、最負盛名的公司有一半的雇員可能是女性,她們其中只有 5%或更少實際上擔任高級職務。
*此引言中講者除了利用「問問題」,也利用了「印象式發言」中的統計數字 (statistics) 來引起聽眾對簡報主題的興趣。