2018年2月28日 星期三

What's done cannot be undone.--木已成舟

這句諺語直譯是「已經做的事不能變成沒做」,意思是「一件事情做了就做了,若有什麼後果就必須承擔」。這句話通常是勸一個人勇敢面對已經發生的事情,因為時光不能倒流。英文有另一句諺語與之相仿,不過更強調「覆水難收,哭之無益」,勸人要趕緊從懊悔中脫身,振作起來:It is no use crying over spilt milk.
A: What should I do? Hannah wants to divorce me.
B: How did that happen? Did you say something stupid again?
A: No. When she asked me, “Do I look fat?” I replied, “Compared to what?” Then she…
B: What else have you said?
A: When she asked me, “Is Pearl next door prettier than me?” I told her, “But you have a nicer personality.” Who would have thought…
B: Sigh. What’s done cannot be undone. There’s nothing you can do but apologize to her.

A: 怎麼辦?阿花說要跟我離婚了!
B: 怎麼會這樣?是不是你又說了什麼蠢話?
A: 沒有啊,她問我「我看起來胖嗎?」,我回答「跟什麼比啊?」,結果
B: 還有呢?
A: 她又問我「隔壁的阿珠有比我美嗎?」,我回答「不過妳個性好啊!」,誰知
B: 唉,木已成舟,你還是等著跟她認錯吧!

1.      divorce (v.) 離婚
2.      stupid (adj.) 愚蠢的
3.      look (v.) 看起來
4.      reply (v.) 回答;答覆
5.      personality (n.) 性格;個性
6.      undone (adj.) 沒做的
7.      apologize (v.) 道歉

1.      compared to… … 比起來
Jack is a late developer compared to his classmates.(和他的同學比起來,Jack的發展較慢。)

